Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I May Be Losing Control, and He Is Turning Into Elvis

Boy Wonder: "Mom, if the Vikings don't play the Packers will you cheer for the Vikings?"

Mama: "Sure." A fake plastics smile on my face and persperation developing on the palms of my hands.

Boy Wonder: "I like both the Packers and the Vikings." Said only because he could tell that this whole conversation was paining me.

Mama: "You can cheer for whoever you want to cheer for." Not really meaning it but know I had to act like an adult.

Boy Wonder: "Thank you. Thank you very much." In a deep low Elvis impersonation.


Shotgun said...

Did you gag on the words a little.

Anonymous said...

I think Ryan and I need to have a little chat the next time I see him!

-Grandma Sharon