Monday, May 26, 2008

Popcorn anybody?

Three Weeks

Today Baby Wonder is three weeks old. It is amazing how fast the past three weeks have gone and how big she are getting.

Here she was one week old.

And here she is today at three weeks.

Today is also the day Baby Wonder decided she is a Harley Chick.

Thank you Great Grandma and Grandpa H!

(She has the Harley socks on in the three week picture.)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Enter at your own risk

The Wonder house is infected. Boy Wonder had pink eye on Mother's Day. This morning I when I woke to the sound of Baby Wonder's hunger cry at 4:00 am my eyes were crusted shut. When I stumbled to the mirror I found that my eyes were a nice rosie color. Adding pink eye to the fact that I have lost my voice, it is truly good times here at the Wonder house.

It might be our imagination but Boy Wonder's eyes started to look a bit iffy again tonight. This has lead Papa Wonder on a crusade to wipe down everything with Clorox wipes trying to avoid what Boy Wonder and I have contracted. Hopefully that along with the Purell that we are bathing in will keep Baby Wonder and Papa Wonder healthy.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

How we spent our day

Boy Wonder, Baby Wonder, and Mama Wonder survived our first day by ourselves. Here is how we spent part of our day. OK, Baby Wonder spent most of her day this way.

Boy Wonder took a time out from hockey, baseball and tennis to get in a quick game of hopscotch.

We had a great day!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Two weeks already

Baby Wonder is two weeks old today. It's amazing how fast the past few weeks have gone. She is still very sleepy, but is managing to stay awake for 30 minutes every few hours. She had her two week check up and her weight was 8lbs 13 ozs. Yeah! The doctor said based on her weight gain she is obviously getting enough to eat and must be a very efficient eater. She also grew to 21 inches long.

Many of you have asked how Boy Wonder is adjusting to being a big brother. The answer is great. He sings her songs when she cries, gives her kisses on her head when no one is looking, and shares his yellow blankie with her, that's love.

It's never too early...

to be a shoe girl.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Weighing In...

Baby Wonder's weight has had it's ups and downs since she was born. Thankfully, we are on the up swing. Last week she was down to 7lbs 9ozs. As of yesterday she was up to 8lbs 5ozs. Do you know how hard it is to feed a baby that sleeps all the time?! The doctors say that she is doing fine, that she is just a sleeply little girl.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What We Have Been Doing

This picture sums up Baby Wonder's activities since coming home from the hospital. She is Mama Wonder's little girl.

The rest of the Wonder family is doing well and adjusting to our new family member.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Welcome to the World

On May 5th, 2008 the Wonder's welcomed the newest member to our family. Baby Wonder was born at 9:31am. Her weight was 8lbs 11oz. She was 19.25 inches long.

We came home from the hospital on 5/8. Boy Wonder was excited to welcome his sister home and show her around the house.

Baby Wonder has been adjusting to life in her new surroundings. She feels right at home in her bouncy chair.

Can you believe that Boy Wonder was ever as little as Baby Wonder?