Thursday, June 12, 2008

Scenes from a Wisconsin road trip

This past weekend Baby Wonder went on her first trip to Milwaukee. The trip went well and we only stopped one time on the way down. Had it not been for road construction we would have been there in a mere 6 1/2 hours.

On Saturday we went to watch Joel play baseball. Boy Wonder told him to hit it hard and then he hit a double. Way to go Joel! Boy Wonder had fun watching, but just had to run the bases too.

In the afternoon we watched Erica play basketball. Boy Wonder cheered hard for her and her team. Baby Wonder slept through the whole thing.

Southern Wisconsin has been hit hard by heavy rain and storms. Saturday evening strong storms and a tornado warning set us all to Grandma and Grandpa Z's basement. A big thank you to Grandma Z who brought the brownies she had baked earlier. She's always a hostess. As you can see the kids had a good time.

Saturday night was a surprise birthday party for Grandpa Z. The party was a success and a great way for Baby Wonder to meet so much of her family she hadn't meet yet. Unfortunately, we didn't get many pictures but here is Baby Wonder with Great Grandma H.

On Sunday it was time for the Wonder's to head home. Along the way we saw this...

The picture does not do it justice, but it is a BMW Z3 pulling a BMW trailer. The license plate on the trailer was Z 3.5.
Side Note to the driver-Just because you drive a BMW does not give you the right to be a left lane cruiser and block traffic. Slower cars should be in the right lane. Okay? Next time MOVE OVER! Thanks!

We stopped to see Auntie Laura's new apartment and Grandpa Rick and Grandma Sharon. It was a quick visit with Grandma and Grandpa, but it was good to see them.
The weekend went quickly, but as you can see by this picture of Boy Wonder on the way home-it was busy and we were all tired out.

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