Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Date Night

When you wake up in the morning, you normally have a pretty good idea of the main events that will take place during the day. During the week I know I will wake up, shower, go to work (what happens there is anyone's guess) then come home go spend time with Mama Wonder and the kids.

This past Sunday when I woke up I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen for the day. We were headed to church and then over to Auntie Susan and Dan's house for a BBQ. We would spend the day there and then be home by bed time for the kids. Well that's not exactly what happened.

Sitting in church listening to a wonderful couple who have been married 43 years explain their keys to a successful marriage, communication and taking time for each other, Momma Wonder turned to me and said we are going to the Jack Johnson concert at River's Edge tonight and Auntie Susan and Dan would be watching the kids while we were at the show. What a surprise!! This is something that I would not have planned for us. Kudos to everyone who was in on the surprise, I had no clue.

It was a lot of fun! Good music, fun people wathcing and best of all great company. Thank you so much Mama Wonder, I love you!!! I hope the next date night that I plan can be as much fun.

1 comment:

Mama Wonder said...

I had a great time and I love you too!