Thursday, February 19, 2009

Highs and Lows

One ritual in the Wonder House, is before bed with Boy Wonder we share our highs and lows from the day.

Let's recap how they went tonight.

BW: What was your low mom?
MW: Not spending enough time with Boy Wonder and Baby Wonder.
BW: What was your high?
MW: Spending time with dad at a church function.

MW: Boy Wonder, what was your low?
BW: Not spending a lot of time with you and dad.
PW: Your High?
BW: When I almost chipped in when we were playing Wii golf. I was so close and it hit this red thing.

BW: Dad, what was your low?
PW: Not Spending enough time with you and your sister.
BW: And you high?
PW: Having a great night with my best friend.
BW: What's her name?
MW: What do you think her name is?
BW: I don't know......maybe Calvin.
MW: Do you know a Calvin?
BW: No. What was your friend's name dad?
PW: My best friend is mommy.
BW: That's sooo sweet. I love you mom!

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